Glory to God!
Bethania Mainz, Germany Raymond Vancu & Liviu Hess
Mark Wells, part of Trueordeceive, wrote the lyrics to this video.
Raymond Vancu is a friend who lives in Romania.
Music: Raymond Vancu, Liviu Hess.
Lyrics: Raymond Vancu, Liviu Hess, Mark Wells.
Arranging, recordings, mixing & mastering: Raymond Vancu.
Video Production: Credo TV
1. Mary, you are the Chosen Mary, blessed by everyone.
One day the people will be together He will reign forever!
2. Angel, how could I understand my fear? Believe!
The tears will disappear… No one can understand my team What can I do?
Lord, guide me!
3. “Joseph!, Joseph!”, “Never be afraid!”… His name comes from heaven King “Emmanuel”!
Ref1. Glory! Glory to God!
Angels wonder and rejoice Joy, and happiness be in the world Everyone who heard!
Ref2. Glory! Glory in the highest places!
Glory and peace on earth.
Savior, You are the most wonderful! Thanks for His birth.
Ref3. Praise! Praise God!
Father of eternity You are the only one in the world Forever and ever…
Final: He is the Lord of Lords King of Kings!