Jesus and marriage
February 12, 2023
Jesus and Golgotha. Evidence for the crucifixion of Christ
February 28, 2024





Beyond blind faith

Evidence for the Existence of God

Part six



Knowledge, information, and the Word
The source and consequences of good and evil
The knowledge of good and evil
Knowledge – “The Apple of Discord”
Blood, life, death and eternal life
Is the birth of Jesus a genetic dysfunction?
Jesus – Information and the blood


“Ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil”

The world as we know it has always been in trouble, or as the Christian Bible would say, “The whole world lies in the evil one”. (1 John 5:19)
Mankind would naturally expect that God, the One who made the world knowing its needs and troubles, would send a suitable helper and saviour, strong and competent with the requirements and problem-solving capabilities needed for this type of emergency. A saviour capable of totally eradicating evil from the very root. Maybe a super justice system would implement suitable laws according to the daily injustices. Perhaps a doctor who could eradicate all diseases even strains unknown, or a super scientist through his genius would help humanity in its evolution?
And the list can go on because the needs are multiple and have multiplied over the years, decades, and centuries. But it seems like God had no thoughts on this subject matter.

Humankind tried to do whatever it envisaged as good to get out of the ever-increasing impasses of daily life. He tried solutions both in the fields of social organisations and at an individual level. Thus, it went through several social parameters, going from slavery and feudalism, from capitalism to communism, from riots and revolutions to peaceful and negotiated solutions; from dictatorial imposition and to the unfolding of democracy. Transitioning through grades of culture and enlightenment one after the other, solutions to evil were implemented some successful others not so. Even religions tried to come up with their resolution, emphasising the idea of an unravelling achieved through internal, soulful, spiritual peaceful submission, rituals, and transcendental meditation, to withdraw effectively from the communal world.

Parallel to all the human unravelling, God also had the ticket, an unexpected plan far exceeding the imagination and human desires. God required only one thing and all the material problems would have been solved. He desired reconciliation with mankind, on the basis of mutual personal knowledge, as a result of which He would be chosen out of love as God, Father, Friend, and Saviour. This desire also conditioned perfectly the spending of eternity together with Him. God craved adoration and worship out of agape love not formality. A love that passes through all knowledge and understanding. For most of us this concept seemed like it fell from the sky, so parallel was it with actual human interests. Yet He linked salvation to His knowledge, and also to the One He recognises as His Son, who was incarnated and sent into the material world:

“And eternal life is this: to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” (John 17:3)

The incarnate Word seemed little besides the needs and expectations of the people. You’d say it was an uninspired decision dropped from the heavens. This was in the conditions in which mankind had higher expectations from an omniscient God.
And yet!
To man’s great surprise, God chose a way far beyond man’s limited expectations. God sent the Word or (information) as a solution to the human problem.

How does God accomplish this?
He incarnates Him into a human-like body.

Why is this done?
He resorts to this method in order to reach an element that has a direct relationship with man and his life, that is the blood. In this way, God puts His finger on the material wound touching two essential coordinates of man, one of life and the other of evolution through information and the blood. They function throughout history as the two pillars of support, as two bricks intrinsic to human nature which conditions mortal existence itself.

Next, without going into depth about what the information or the blood means from the perspective of the human problem, we capture a few aspects of each of these two prospects. We do this to try to pencil out the idea that the God creationists hold dearly too, is the only one who has delved into the most intelligent and wisest way, to the very essence of the human complication. God not only proved His existence, but He acted with knowledge of the cause, proving that He not only sees the effects but also knows the details.

When the man looked to the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” God Himself pointed His forefinger to the essence of things, not getting lost in the ramifications of the undertaking. Above all, He granted mankind the right solution which was simple and unsophisticated, knowledge! In this way, He far exceeded the expectations of the man with claims to omniscience. His solution is a simple proof which are the greatest truths that establish Him as an all-knowing God, who is not taken by surprise by anything or anyone: the symbolic image of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.”

The tree located right in the middle, and the fact that our gaze is directed to the core of the problem, confirms that the Christian Bible proves its credibility from its first page because it reveals very early a fundamental truth of exceptional informational value, which cannot be the emanation of the thinking of a simple man. So, let’s turn our gaze even in passing to the tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden, the tree that directs society to knowledge, science, information, and ultimately, to the Word.

Knowledge – “The Apple of Discord”

From the beginning, it can be said that God, when He created man in His image and likeness, did not want mankind to be mindless acting in ignorance. Certainly not like a robot full of data, a submissive, controllable machine, not capable of acting with discernment or the freedom of choice. Did Lucifer desire more information and knowledge for humankind than man’s Creator Himself desired?
It’s a rhetorical question?

The Bible teaches through the mouth of Eve that the Tree of Knowledge is “good for food, a pleasure to look at and was desirable to open the mind.” (Genesis 3:6) Knowledge itself was designed to push mankind forward towards fulfilling his purpose while here on earth. Stewardship or being The Lord over all the terra-firma, which included every creature that moves on the earth, in the air, and in the water. Mankind in response to a beneficial relationship with the Creator, was to glorify God through all that He was and did. He would accomplish this by using all the intellectual, affective, and creative potential with which He was endowed, acting only by virtue of a single natural law as an intrinsic and inherent human trait of love. A knowledge of good and only good is the nature of God.

Should God be capable of evil?

Is the Creator limited by this law of love?
Why is obedience so important to God?

Faced with this state of affairs, humankind desired a change of direction with the possibility of new things. Now mankind is part of a fallen nature which embraced evil. Early man knew what the “knowledge of evil” means because it experienced its damaging effects. But it was still at the crossroads of learning, the word “evil” had no real content yet. It was something more abstract to the first people, which seemed to lead to a different form of good.

Yes, some people believe that evil is good, or there is no right or wrong, good or evil. Truth to many is based on one’s own opinions and preferences, and it can be adapted according to certain situations. But those of us in Jesus know that, without placing our faith in the absolute truth of the Bible, we will not have a solid foundation on which to stand firm. Evil is now common due to a total lack of respect and fear towards God. Since people seem to live with a nullified conscience, they do not believe that their sinful acts are evil. Each generation has embraced information far from the law of the gospel.

People today can’t distinguish what’s real and what’s false. The “apple of discord” is not knowledge, it is (IN) the knowledge. Better said, in the branch of knowledge which pertains to what is today well known as “the knowledge of evil”. The knowledge of good grows parallel to that of evil, as branches of the same tree.

So, some natural questions arise: what makes a piece of knowledge good or bad, and on what criteria is it valued that way?
The quality of knowledge is often evaluated based on several criteria, including accuracy, reliability, relevance, clarity, and coherence.

Refers to the correctness of the information. A piece of knowledge based on verifiable facts and supported by evidence is generally considered more accurate than one based on speculation or opinion.

Refers to the source of the information. The knowledge that is obtained from trustworthy and reputable sources is considered more reliable than information from unreliable sources.

Refers to the usefulness of the information. The knowledge that is relevant to a particular context or problem is generally considered more valuable than knowledge that is not.

Refers to the ease of understanding of the information. The knowledge that is presented in a clear and concise manner is generally considered more valuable than knowledge that is confusing or difficult to understand.

Refers to the logical consistency of the information. Knowledge that is consistent with established principles and does not contradict itself is generally considered more valuable than knowledge that is incoherent or contradictory.

Therefore, a good piece of knowledge is accurate, reliable, relevant, clear, and coherent, while a bad piece of knowledge is inaccurate, unreliable, irrelevant, unclear, or incoherent.

The value of knowledge is ultimately determined by how well it meets the criteria above and how useful it is in a particular context or situation.

But, who determines that knowledge and information are good or bad?
Is acquaintance good or bad for all, or good for some and bad for others?
The determination of whether knowledge and information are good or bad is subjective and depends on individual perspectives, values, and beliefs. What may be considered good information for one person may be bad information for another.

Similarly, the impact of acquaintance or social connections can vary based on individual circumstances and experiences. Acquaintances can be beneficial in some situations, such as expanding one’s network or learning new skills, while in other cases, they may have negative consequences, such as introducing harmful behaviours or causing conflict. Therefore, whether acquaintance is good or bad for all, or good for some and bad for others, depends on the specific context and the unique circumstances of each individual involved.

Interestingly, no book other than the Bible is clearer in opening the way to research the causes and forms of manifestation, the effects, and the possibility of avoiding evil. It is the only Book that competently, practically, and realistically offers ways to fight evil or, even more, to change evil for good. The Bible does delve thoroughly into the depth of the problem of good and evil. It is the inspired Word of God granting truthful information that we need to act in an informed manner.

If the Bible was not truthful then why do so many people want to change the scriptures to suit their own needs and desires?
Why do Christian’s all around the world suffer persecution yet their numbers still maintain in the billions?
Why has Christianity never been eradicated as many have tried over the centuries?

Maybe the truth hurts!

But what does the Bible say about evil?

To find the answer to this question, we have to turn our gaze once again to knowledge with all of its levels which can encompass thought, speech, deeds, intentions and motivations. From this perspective, we can highlight some relevant aspects of knowledge.

1. Knowledge is linked with power. The statement “He who has the information, holds the power” has become notorious.

This should speak volumes to the masses. This truth is well known by the Mass Media, and not only, by those who have learned to be experts in the use of the spoken word. Therefore, it is no coincidence that truth and falsehood, i.e. information, are often misused, and not infrequently mixed up for easier propaganda and manipulation. This is for a better representation of hidden agendas and interests. Through manipulation and disinformation, a particular partisan point of view can be propagated, with often political, and economic interests, often proven to be bad, hostile and sometimes deadly to others. The Bible reveals to us a truth that is valid as long as there is knowledge, that is, “Knowledge puffs up.” (1 Corinthians 8:1).

The sin of pride is an attitude of overestimating and flaunting one’s own abilities and often underestimating, devaluing, controlling, dominating and even using or exploiting others for one’s own selfish interests. This attitude has devastating repercussions at the individual, family, group, community, and human levels. The Bible tells us something about “someone” who has reached the level of perfection in knowledge. It’s Lucifer, the one who raised pride to the dizzy heights of the sky. About him we find written in the pages of the Word of God that he was “Wiser than Daniel; no secret is hidden from you.” He attained “the highest perfection, you were full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.” But what happened to Lucifer?
We find it written, “Thou wast perfect in Thy ways, from the day thou wast made until the day (iniquity) was found in thee.”

But what went so drastically wrong?

The next verse gives direction to our thinking: “Thy heart is lifted up because of thy beauty; you have spoiled your wisdom because of your brilliance”. (Ezekiel 28:3,12,15,17)

So what did Lucifer desire?
We learn from the writings of the prophet Isaiah: “You said in your heart: “I will ascend to heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will stand on the mountain of the assembly of the gods, at the north end; I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the Highest.” (Isaiah 14:13-14). Lucifer wanted to be master, to control all of God’s creation. With this thought in mind, he also enticed man: “You will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

And thus evil began gaining power through man’s disobedience. I ask the question, if everybody followed the Ten Commandments for just a month, and scientists thus conducted a truthful study of the consequences, this would categorically prove that the Bible’s core principles work.

Man’s increasing distance from God caused evil to take root and branch out in man’s life. Man became captive to the knowledge that came through God’s collateral chain, that is, through Lucifer, who became the adversary of God and His entire creation. The twentieth century has to be the most evil and twisted generation going. Alcohol used to be not as strong in biblical times, yet now it’s so potent it’s the biggest killer of working-age adults. The total number of deaths caused by or associated with its wars has been estimated at 187m, the equivalent of more than 10% of the world’s population in 1913. Lies and propaganda were pumped to the masses by Nazi Joseph Goebbels, yet this has easily been surpassed by the humble radio by TV, the internet Hollywood and social media. So-called foods that never existed 40-50 years ago adorn our shelves, while multiple diseases increase deaths linked to them. Too much sugar in everything destroys the immune system, too much salt and the list goes on. So, once again it can be emphasised that evil was not created, it was not found in creation where all “was good”. Rather, evil is related to knowledge and its way of being seen, understood, used, and interpreted. God did not create evil, but knowledge has the ability to corrupt.

2. Secondly, another characteristic of the word is information, thus related to its flexibility. From it also derives the vulnerability of knowledge, even of the corruption that steeps through much information.

The word is flexible, that is, it can change its meaning and form depending on several factors, which filter and direct its content, force, depth, and motivation. The word, information and knowledge can be concealed for biased, selfish reasons, or access can be restricted to some categories of disadvantaged people for the benefit of other privileged categories socially, materially and not only. It’s not difficult to deduce from here on we can talk about inequalities that can affect one’s own pocket, like the economy, which can lead to uncultured, poverty, oppression, domination, and slavery.

At the same time, words, and information can be interpreted differently from one person to another, twisted, ignored, ironized, rejected, changed, ridiculed, including lying. All these things and many more can lead to devastating consequences that can reach all levels of social organisation, and relationships, to starting wars. Knowledge itself is not inherently bad, it just has the potential to be used for good and also for evil. The visual image of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” best suggests this truth. Good and evil can come from the same “tree” of knowledge.

Human history reveals itself to us where good and evil grow side by side, just as wheat grows with tares. The parable of the wheat and the tares in the Bible is relevant in this regard. Often evil must become great enough to be understood as different and opposed to good. This is why good and evil have to exist together manifesting for a short time, so people realise this truth found in the scriptures. Lucifer failed to become God in the sense of his desire, losing his initial high position in goodness, and embracing evil forever, being the exponent and primordial source of all evil.

3. Lack of knowledge creates the conditions for the emergence of evil. Many mistakes are made out of ignorance.

4. There are evils done by the more or less wilful omission of the truth.

5. Another important aspect is related to who determines what is good and what is bad.

We need to be careful not to shroud one’s selfishness with a veil of morality. We can all make bad decisions in the eyes of others, and we are all capable of embracing evil. We might save our own child while sacrificing another’s, or save our own life while letting a whole building be destroyed killing hundreds of others. Sometimes we say that someone is “just evil” as a way of avoiding (thinking) about what led them to do the thing that we perceive is so morally wicked.

The Bible presents humanity with God’s point of view in relation to what’s good and what’s bad, with a system of values presented especially in His moral law and typically the “law” of love, a law that was the basis of creation which will remain forever established. This value system is practically promoted by people who have withdrawn their gaze and hand from the knowledge of evil, recognising that the experience of evil is neither good to eat, nor pleasant to look at, nor desirable to open one’s mind.

But there is another perspective, that of God’s adversary, Satan, who asserted and promoted his own value system of good and evil. Nowadays these values are presented scripturally at least in what is openly called the Satanic Bible. The Satanic Bible is a book written by Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan.
It outlines the basic principles of Satanism, which include:

Satanists believe in the importance of taking care of oneself first, both physically and mentally.

Satanists reject the idea of conformity and believe in the importance of individual freedom and autonomy.

Satanists embrace their desires and urges and believe in the importance of pursuing pleasure and happiness.

Responsibility to the Responsible:
Satanists believe in holding people accountable for their actions, and only helping those who are willing to help themselves.

The Nine Satanic Statements:

These are a set of guiding principles for Satanists, including the belief in indulgence, the rejection of guilt, and the importance of individuality. The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth: These are a set of guidelines for living a fulfilling life, including the importance of not harming children, animals, or others without their consent, and the rejection of hypocrisy and herd mentality. The evidence for evil is mind-bogglingly obvious and has infiltrated everything. If society can’t understand this basic fact, then they are so ignorant and switched off from reality. Some folks are totally aware of things, but turn a blind eye saying “They would rather not know.”

Other people are just heavily brainwashed by the TV and propaganda to search for the truth themselves. Reality abounds in wickedness or as the Bible says the “World lies in the wicked.” People often state that God can’t exist with all the suffering and evil that abound in the world.

The problem with this narrow way of thinking is malevolence cannot be solved by protecting mankind from evil. Evil exists and is spreading out of control. It’s only a matter of time before it affects and contaminates everything around it. In this sense, the image of a single cancer cell that can affect an entire healthy organism is so relevant.

From this perspective, by putting the tree in plain sight and not hiding it, God showcases that listening to what He says and being obedient to His Word, can keep humankind away from the clutches of evil.

Free will

Free will refers to the belief that individuals have the ability to make choices that are not determined by factors outside of their control, such as genetics or environmental factors. It is the concept that we have the power to choose our own actions and decisions, independent of any external influences or constraints.

The philosophical debate about free will centres around whether our actions are predetermined by factors beyond our control or whether we have the capacity to make choices that are truly independent of external influences. Man has the choice to choose the good narrow path or the wider-rooted evil path. God’s Word can only be found grounded in the “narrow way.” This statement leads to the thought that God selected words, and information, teachings and retained only the “branch” that remains good from the bottom to the top. The Bible clearly says: “The words of the Lord are pure words, silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times.” (Psalm 12:6) In the book of Proverbs, we also find written: “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He reprove you and you be found a liar.” (Proverbs 30:5-6)

It is no coincidence that the Bible also teaches: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue; whoever loves it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21) And to make things even more direct, it specified: “I tell you that, on the day of judgment, people will give an account for every useless word they will have spoken. For by your words you shall be brought forth without fault, and by your words, you shall be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37)

Lucifer was corrupted by knowledge, but mankind died spiritually through things not intended for his understanding. God knew what we would discover in time. The power of shaping words, and manipulating information with pride and selfish desires. Here we could identify the “neural point”, the “root” that bifurcates towards evil. Satan’s sway in this world is terrible and vast. Here’s what we read. “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19)

As long as the information, the knowledge and the word are understood and instrumented in the spirit of an altruistic character, it keeps the sense and meaning by God as well.

But in a world where the evil one is “The god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4), things can only go in the direction he wants, a direction opposite to the goodness of God. It was only a matter of time before this truth came out.

No wonder the Creator did not send a saviour in the person of an intergalactic scientist who would have mastered all the secrets of the universe. He did not do this, although the world is constantly running after knowledge. He did not find a super expert in legal science as a solution, although there was and is an imperative need for justice in the world. He did not see fit to send one who knew all the medical science, although there was and is a great need for healing. He knows exactly what is required as a vital need and from which all others who enter the spectrum of evil depart. He chooses to send His Word, in the power of His Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of life. In this way, they want to go to the source, to the root of the problem. All other things are ramifications of the same complication of knowledge, the emergence of the knowledge of evil in the material world of man and the spiritual world. As long as information, knowledge and the Word are understood and implemented in a spirit of the altruistic character, it keeps their God-given meaning and purpose.

Blood, life, death and eternal life

We know that blood is one of the essential, fundamental pillars of life. In fact, without it, our life would not exist, at least not as we know it now. It was not by chance that God looked towards blood when He planned the incarnation of His Son. Jesus could take on human form without going through all the specific human stages of life. He was not to account for the lineage, just as Melchizedek never did:

“Who, according to the meaning of his name, is first “king of righteousness” then also “king of Salem” meaning “king of peace”; without father, without mother, without lineage, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but who was likened to the Son of God…”. (Hebrews 7:2-3)

Blood consists of red and white blood cells. Haemoglobin is the red blood cells that make our blood red. These red blood cells have the main role of carrying oxygen from the lungs and carrying it throughout our body. But if we look a little deeper into the topic of haemoglobin, we find something fascinating and amazingly precise. Here we find a string of 20 types of “bricks”. Let’s call them that, for an explanation closer to the common level of understanding. They can be red, or white, bricks with corners, rhombus, circles and shapes. That is, it’s a long row of 574 bricks what we call red blood cells that are formed. Hold back, 574 bricks are made up of only 20 different bricks! What is fascinating, and should make evolutionists think twice, is that if just one of these bricks were placed differently in its complex string, missing, or compromised for various reasons, then our red blood cells would transform into what is called hemoglobinopathy. This can cause death. Remember, only one out of 574!

Émile Borel, a renowned French mathematician with major contributions to the foundation of Measure Theory and Probability calculated the odds that haemoglobin arose by chance. He mathematically proved that the chance that man would have arisen by chance, at least at the level of blood and haemoglobin, is 10 to the power of 650, which is 10 followed by 650 zeros. He said that anything past 10 to the 50th power is absurd. What can we say about this – the power at 650!

There was yet another stunning discovery to be made.
Ron Wyatt took samples of blood in the crack and on the stone lid of the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, which he discovered and had it analysed. Using an electron microscope, it was possible to find the chromosomal content of the blood. It was human blood, but very peculiar. Normal blood has a total of 46 chromosomes. When a child is conceived, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 come from the father. One of these pairs determines the gender. For this pair, the mother always provides an “X” chromosome (so-called because its shape somewhat resembles the letter X). If the father provides an X chromosome, then the child will contain the chromosomes XX and will always be female. If the father provides a “Y” chromosome (shaped to some extent like the letter Y) the child will have a chromosome combination of XY and will be male. All eggs produced by the female will be identical, containing only the X chromosome. For her to produce a male offspring the addition of a Y chromosome is necessary.

The blood analysis from the Ark chamber showed a total of only 24 chromosomes. Of these 23 were derived from the mother, and there was one Y chromosome. This indicated that the blood belonged to a man. No human blood like this had ever been known to exist. This evidence is truthful and showcases not only that this was indeed Jesus’ blood, but also confirms the virgin birth! Jesus did not have a human father; the Y chromosome was provided by God’s own Holy Spirit. (Luke 1:35)

So, for those who lean on evolution, this absurdity should give them food for thought.
Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to still look for plausible answers to other questions like: how did DNA arise from nothing? How do you explain the connection of the billions of neurons that are connected in our brain, which establish thoughts, memories, analytical processes, and synthesis? What plausible answer can be given regarding the rhythm of the heart uninterrupted for decades, which functions like a kind of “Perpetuum mobile.” The heart muscle is capable of beating even after death for a short time. It stops when the cells die, which they will generally do quite quickly once the blood supply (containing oxygen and glucose it needs to respire and so make energy) is cut.

At the same time, this perspective should also determine those who support creationism more in theory than in everyday life. We should re-examine our position again and again, from the perspective of the redeeming blood of the One we call our Savior. So, He has stated that life is in the blood. The Bible reinforces this truth when it speaks of the spiritual value of blood in God’s eyes, including that of sacrificial animals: “For the life of the body is in the blood. I have given it to you to put on the altar, to serve as an atonement for your souls, for through the life in it the blood makes atonement.” (Leviticus 17:11)

If we continue the idea and bring it to the point where God puts the knowledge of good and evil under the power of an imperative warning: “You shall not eat of it, nor touch it, lest you die.” (Genesis 3:3)

So, the word (death) appears, which is also related to the knowledge of good and evil. He was not referring to physical bodily death. Adam and Eve did not die in the ordinary sense of the word when they reached out for forbidden knowledge. Here we are talking about the death of the soul, or spiritual death, as a result of the fact that they were no longer guided by the life-giving knowledge, through the Word of God. Unique information coming directly from God had been severed.

Just like today the (evil) of fake news shun, unmask, manipulative “snake tactics” that foment division to serve political and economic interests and not only. This spreads arrogance and hatred, while completely brainwashing or dumbing down society not to even search for the truth themselves.

As Adam and Eve lost the source of all truth another type of information began to appear. The Bible identifies this as knowledge guidance pushed directly through the hand of the adversary Satan. Even a seemingly slight distortion of the truth can have dangerous effects. From then on everything related to “be fruitful and multiply” will be done under the sign of this knowledge that leads to spiritual death, separated from the authentic wisdom that comes from God.

Everybody born from there on without exception, is born spiritually dead directly into the schooling system of sinful nature, guided and mentored by the evil one. As subjects, we unwittingly become his slaves. But surely that can’t be true I hear you say! But isn’t it enough to look at a child who barely knows how to speak but knows how to (lie) and hide, without having been taught by his parents or anyone else?

Satan created an automatic defence system against the looming terror we call (trouble). Kids lie to get out of trouble while tapping into the imagination to succumb to temptation. Satan formed his own value system and established his own kingdom. He naturally has his own allies, fallen angels, worshipers and willing servants. Two kingdoms divided but for how long?

And things could have stayed that way, with two kingdoms, with two emperors, with subjects and worshippers.
That’s because nothing and no one from creation could not overturn the Word spoken by God: “You will die!” Not even God could pass over your own word, without putting in discussion His ability to lead effectively and without capricious claims.

But God was not surprised by the choice of Lucifer. He had devised long ago, a secret plan to return to the exact point from which mankind fell from grace. “The mystery hid from ages and generations, but now revealed to His saints.” (Colossians 1:26)

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, to redeem those who were under the Law, so that we might receive the adoption. And because you are sons, God sent into our hearts the Spirit of His Son, who cries: “Ava” that is: “Father!” So, you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if you are a son, you are also an heir through God.” (Galatians 4:4-7)

So, the Creator’s plan was the restorative theme of redemption.
We must remember that God (sent) a solution but spirits have no blood you may ask.
We know that spirits cannot die. God is alive, He has life in himself, but He cannot die. So, the condition of dying had to be met. To perish you had to be a living human prone to death which could only be a man. Blood is the symbol of life in the material world on Earth.

So, first of all, a being from the material world was needed that had lifeblood.

But something else was crucially required. A human being completely sinless, that ticked all the boxes of holiness required by the law of God. The bar of righteousness was set very high and only God could accomplish this task. None of the spiritual beings, including angels, archangels, seraphim etc could die. This is because being spiritual entities, they could not know death, in the event that they proved worthy to do something in the sense of righteousness. Mankind could not redeem himself the balance of power was far too great. The bar of righteousness was raised to the gates of heaven. The Bible makes it clear: “Shall a man be blameless before God? Will he be clean before the One who made him? If God does not trust even His servants and finds faults even in His angels, how much more in those who live in clay houses, who draw their roots from the dust, and can be crushed like a worm! (Job 4:17-19)

And there is one more thing to point out. The blood itself had to be pure blood, pure from the very first moment of existence and conception.

The virgin birth idea was not enough, because childbearing in our world presupposed a birth into sin, since the creation of the world, through Adam which God had not forgotten. The power of the Holy Spirit was critical in eradicating contamination with the woman from the start.

The human body of the virgin was conceived as a material vessel in which the divine (seed) was placed. “Mary said to the angel, “How will this be done since I do not know a man?” The angel answered him: “The Holy Spirit will descend upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. That is why the Saint who will be born from you will be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1:34-35)

He accomplished this in the most expressive and visible way called the incarnation.

Let us dwell a little on an aspect related to the coming from the spiritual world to the material world of Jesus, the Son of God.

Is the miraculous birth of Jesus a genetic dysfunction?

The supernatural birth of Jesus was and is a subject analysed, reanalysed, accepted, disputed, and turned on all sides. That’s because human logic cannot comprehend it properly. The latest attempt by scholars to explain the miraculous birth of Jesus from a human perspective teaches that the Virgin Mary gave birth this way because it was a genetic dysfunction.

Science tells us that the difference between a woman and a man is primarily given by the pair of chromosomes that each of them has, respectively the woman has the XX pair and the man the XY. It is an aberration to say that a woman can give birth to a man through genetic dysfunction simply because she does not have the Y chromosome. The woman does not have this Y chromosome in herself. She has only two chromosomes of the same shape-XX. The man has something extra. He has the X chromosome, but he also has the Y chromosome, which the woman does not have. To be able to give birth to a boy, the woman would need the Y chromosome she is missing.
According to the two XX chromosomes, the woman has about 50% of the man and that’s it. The man, however, has 50% of the woman, and 50% of his own being.

Life is no accident or by chance, but everything is the result of intelligence and mathematical thinking of amazing complexity and beauty. But, from this angle one more interesting thing can be said, that it is not the woman who is the starting point of the supreme foundation of life, but the man! Yes, the woman stands at the pinnacle of life as man’s “suitable helper,” with compatibility, but she is not the origin of life.

The source of life came from the seed itself. From the perspective of the act of reproduction, the woman can be understood as a precious vessel, that the Creator endowed her with the development of the seed. Even for God the woman, was the image of the clay vessel, which provided the necessary conditions for the fulfilment of the concept plan desired by the Creator.

Moreover, the idea that the woman was taken from the man’s rib should help us understand this point of view. God had majesty interwoven things in such a way that the woman played a fundamental role in what we call life, harmoniously intertwining the things that characterise each of the two participants in the act of creating a new life. Moreover, God desired to intertwine things with Him. The idea of a “threefold rope” comes to mind that does not break easily. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

This illustrates God’s desire to be present in the man-woman relationship directly interested in everything that means life, including the intimate one, passing through the filter of holiness.
From this perspective, God also solved the problem of holiness by not mixing things up, and by only using the matter in hand to set His plan in motion.

So God’s plan from eternity, created as a solution to the problem, was delivered with a powerful message in mind.

“He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of the Son of His love, in which we have redemption, through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Because by Him all things were made that are in the heavens and on earth, the seen and the unseen: whether thrones, or rulers, or lords, or dominions.

All were made through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and all things hold by Him. He is the Head of the body, of the Church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so He may have the preeminence in all things. For God wanted all the fullness to dwell in Him, and to reconcile everything to Himself through Him, both on earth and in heaven, making peace through the blood of His cross.” (Colossians 1:13-20)

What seemed like a failure for the Creator on his own ground, God showcased amazing evidence of an intelligent plan by which He defeats His enemy, just when he thought he had won. Only a God with unspeakable diversity and wisdom could overturn the apparent (victory) of Satan that fell into his’s hands so easily and was won so unfairly! God did not give up on knowledge simply out of fear or the corruptibility of all created beings, thus it’s reasonable to infer that God’s primary purpose, once the fall was allowed was to recover the state of affairs, bringing it back to the point from which it fell. In this way, He displayed His (unspeakable) and majestic wisdom both in the original creation and in the restoration of the fallen world.

God knew that information and knowledge can be used for good, but resolves the potential for evil through sacrificial love and humility, respectively, which is the opposite of pride.

It’s morally right for disobedience to be punished even if it’s regarded as small. Tolerance even out of mercy, could harm the image of God as a capable but just efficient sovereign who loved His creation. Mercy could be seen as a possible weakness of God in His government. Mercy demanded the forgiveness of the sinner, and justice demanded the death of the transgressor by divine law. Mercy would have perpetuated the conditions of disobedience both in heaven and on earth. While justice would have put God in the position of an authoritarian, uncompromising sovereign, even tyrant, without love towards those He created.

How else does this idea still circulate to this very day? So, in the end, the issue is between God’s justice and God’s love for His own creation.

God had the solution, even before the problem arose. A brilliant solution, we might say, one worthy of an omniscient Sovereign, masterfully solving the problem between two irreconcilable things, which in principle excluded each other. That is, mercy excluded justice, and justice excluded mercy! This solution is proof of exceptional wisdom, and of a love that only a Creator can have towards what He has created.

“Greater love has no one than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)

Thus, justice and love were united again.

Information and blood have become pillars of reference for humanity and many believe it’s good to shelter in the shade of the tree of knowledge. They march in the name of a relative good but in fact, they are hanging onto the branches of the knowledge of evil.


In conclusion, we can say that it’s no coincidence that God directed our gaze towards information and the Word through the Bible. But at the same time, He also directed us to the blood and the cross through humility. The name for the Supreme Being in the Hebrew text is rendered in the plural by the almost indefinable word (Elohim), a name then considered far too sacred for human lips to pronounce. The priests alone at the time were permitted to utter it. The New Testament fulfils the Messianic prophecy, revealing the Word in its outer and visible form as (Immanuel) which means God with us. Jesus was enabled to demonstrate the power of good over evil in every form and to present a true example of perfect manhood which has never ceased to inspire and uplift the human race still to this day.








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