The seven churches of Revelation – The church of Pergamum
January 2, 2022
Why was Jesus called the Son of David?
January 29, 2022

The seven churches of Revelation – The church of Laodicea


Jesus’ rebuke of the church at Laodicea revolves around the idolatry of wealth. Two major reasons come to mind. First, possession of great wealth often allows the wealth to possess our lives. We need money, but money should not own us:

Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and (Money).”

The church was part of the Roman Empire in Turkey. Laodicea was known to be a very wealthy city. It was a banking centre and had a successful medical school. Many assume that prosperity is a sign from God of His approval, it isn’t. When a pastor’s weakness is greed, the church is very easily the avenue to fulfil his or her greed. It’s been done for a very long time. Everyone should step back and ask themselves is your first love Christ or is it money?

Zephaniah 1:12
“And it shall come to pass at that time That I will search Jerusalem with lamps, And punish the men Who are settled in (complacency), Who say in their heart, The Lord will not do good, Nor will He do evil.”

When the Lord comes back He will judge the world. When Jesus first came, He came as God incarnate, as a saviour for our sins. Humanity is wicked if we think about it. We kill each other, wars, rape, paedophilia, greed, sex trafficking, kill animals, divorce, destroy the planet, murderers, unbelievers liars, and the list goes on. Humanity is cruel and not helped by industries that are just out for a quick buck. Complacency on the other hand will be judged hard, those that think they know Jesus.

These are people with no zeal or passion for God. Many are governed by another spirit thinking it’s the Holy Spirit. The judgment of God for sin will be on both an individual and national level. He will judge individuals for private secret sins and nations for their corporate sins. Jesus spoke of judgment against the inhabitants of certain cities. Laodicea was the worst of the churches of the seven:

Revelation 3:13
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. If we are obedient and obey the inspired Word of God, we will become the illustrated Word to others. The apostle James encourages believers to apply the Word to our lives. He wrote: “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, He will be blessed. Christ granted us a tender message of God’s love for each of us, His spiritual creation, shepherds our thoughts and opens the way to a greater sense of divine Love’s care for everyone, lighting a path with fresh inspiration that brings help and healing if we stay in His will. Jesus is the Great Teacher and the Word is the Truth, manmade ideas brought into the church will be judged accordingly. If Laodicea or any of the churches are not Christlike then Jesus had a problem. We are ambassadors, which means God placed us on earth to act as His representatives who would reflect Him and represent Him as we steward the earth:

Revelation 3:16-17
“So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become (wealthy), and have need of nothing—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.”

Wealth had made the church proud, weak in faith and it was sickening to Jesus. They wanted to do it all on their own. Many had no good works and folk would not admit they’re true spiritual condition. Laodicea Was the fashion hub of the day. Jesus told them the solution;

Revelation 3:18-19
“I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with (eye salve), that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.”

The markets buzzed with heavy trading—stylish wool clothing, dyed tunics, and therapeutic ointments for the eyes were on sale. It’s interesting how Jesus speaks to them in their language of buying gold refined in the fire, and eye salve.

A refiner’s fire melts down metals such as gold or silver, for purification. Once a metal is in its melted downstate, the dross in the metal rises to the top and is then removed from the metal before it cools down. God desires to purify human hearts. Just as a refiner’s fire, God will draw out our dross our broken, evil, sinful ways, so that we will stand holy, pure and righteous before him. A refiner’s fire does not destroy the metal, rather it allows the junk within to come up so that it can be easily removed.

A refiner’s fire does not consume, it makes the metal better and more valuable, hence you become more Christlike. Eye salve is God’s ointment needed to open up fully their eyes to see what they are doing, and their own sin. Trials are the fire that refines our faith, whether you are persecuted or suffering now, the proof of your faith needs to be more precious than gold, so you rejoice in the midst of your trials.

Those with white garments are saved, those without garments are not saved, and the cleanliness of the garment reflects the believer’s degree of good works done in faith. When Jesus commands the church in Laodicea to obtain white garments, He was commanding them to believe in Him and the gospel. Jesus didn’t leave the church in limbo, He always gives the solution to be zealous, faithful, humble, and repentant, and come to His door knocking to be let in.
Then Jesus will lift the latch of your heart and welcome you inside.

He wants to be Immanuel and give you the Manuel for living.


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