For a brief period of two or three years in the early 1920s, when Alice and Foster Bailey were beginning to publish the books published under her name, they named their fledgling publishing company “Lucifer Publishing Company”. By 1925 the name was changed to Lucis Publishing Company and has remained so ever since. They are an establishment dedicated to a new and better way of life for everybody in the world, based on the fulfilment of the divine for humanity.
This is a new world system or order. The Lucis Trust has consultative status with the UN. This means that they advise the United Nations of the world. They chose the name to honour the fallen angel Lucifer as they were founded by Freemasons. The UN on this note has a pagan nature.
The logo of Unicef contains three symbols that are taken directly from ancient Greek. We see the mother with child, an olive wreath, and a grid-like symbol of the earth.
Inside the UN headquarters is a meditation room that was set up by Luci’s company who once resided at 666 plaza formally know as Lucifer publishing company.
The Rockefeller funded meditation room is 33 feet long and 18 feet wide. The number 33 is significant as Christ started His ministry aged 30 and was crucified aged 33, hence it became the pivotal Freemason number. 18 feet is 3 lots of 6 times 3 making 18. The room was built in the shape of a pyramid lying on its side. At the centre of the room is a black 4ft high casket shaped magnetic stone slab weighing 6.5 tonnes. It rests onto a pillar that descends into the floor and bedrock, tapping into the earth hyper-dimensional energies to induce a state of altered consciousness. It is an altar to an unknown god who men worship in many names and different forms Satan. 10 strategies were adopted for a New World Order are as follows:
1. Take God and prayer out of the education system.
2. Reduce parental authority over children.
3. Destroy the traditional Christian family infrastructure.
4. If sex is free, make abortion legal and easy.
5. Make divorce easy and legal, freeing people from the concept of marriage for life.
6. Make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle.
7. Debase art and make it run mad.
8. Use media to promote and change the mindset.
9. Create an interfaith movement.
10. Get governments to make all these laws, and get the church to endorse these changes.
The United Nations security council chamber has a Phoenix bird mural on the wall which is a symbol of Lucifer.
There is a church steeple picture without a cross symbolising the death of Christianity. Sun God rays and the pagan god Pan’s flute being played.
People walking into a void symbolise depopulation. Part of the depopulation agenda by 2030 is to vaccinate all children with the mRNA genome altering therapy and all adults. Another black stone is set into the eastern corner of the Kaaba, the ancient building in the centre of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve.
The cube stands before two towers dedicated to Freemasonry. This cube mirrors a six-sided cube shape found on Saturn. The people walking around it seven times anti-clockwise mirror the rings of Saturn which is dedicated to Lucifer. Anti-clockwise is the same as the anti-Christ or the opposite of God.
Moloch’s sign is the Hexagram star as such the Hexagram is a symbol of Canaanite origin which is why it is used in the occult. The star is traced through Freemasonry usage to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who, in the 17th century, changed his name to depict the red six-pointed star (or shield) which he had hung on his door in Germany, and thus began the family of “Red Shield” or the Rothschild bloodline. The family have their coat of arms linked to the Cabala and astrology.
Hitler put a yellow six-pointed star on all Jewish people during the holocaust, to the Zionist symbol, and finally to the flag of the state of Israel. There is no such thing as a “Star of David” in the Talmud, the Torah, or the New Testament. This is why many modern Jews revere the number (6) and why they hold the Sabbath on Saturday the day of Saturn-Satan.
The hex symbol has historically been called a (Hex) to symbolise a curse. Jews and Arabic Muslims both possess roughly the same amount of Canaanite-Semitic DNA. The divine plan for humanity by the Satanists was exposed by Jesus Christ in the gospels.
The governments think that Lucifer’s fall was not a fall into sin, but a fall of great sacrifice. We are getting ready for a world currency, in the Economist magazine highlighted the Phoenix coming out of the fire or Lucifer. When we look at pop stars they stick their tongue out all the time mimicking the statues of pagan gods all around the world like Sheva, Kali, and Luni.
Dancing, tongue out, covering one eye are all worshipping the image of the Beast Lucifer.
The CERN logo is 666. Google Chrome logo is 666. 999 is 666 upside down.
The Satanic Temple has said “Forty per cent of white born-again or evangelical Christians will not get the so-called vaccine, compared to 25 per cent of all Americans. What Christians decide will determine whether the world reaches herd immunity.”
Bionic banking and chips are coming to be inserted into the right hand. Your microchipped hand will serve as your keys, ID and health passport. At the moment smartphones are the outward extension, but eventually, the inward extension will allow technology to merge with man.
In Sweden, the microchip is all the rage with over 6000 already chipped. The same technology will be integrated eventually into a cashless society when the banking system has been forcefully changed.
The microchip uses the same technology in contactless credit cards. Many Swedish people have said ‘I thought it would be fun right!’
Revelation 13:16-18
“It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”
No one will be able to buy and sell without the mark of the beast. In 2020, Klaus Schwab said that ‘Covid 19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world.’
The information is out there but the media is the virus. Faith and science are not opposites, enemies, or even frienemies. Instead, science has the potential to enlighten and deepen greater faith. This volatile relationship is often maintained within the education system and can prove to be a constant sore spot.
Pupils need to seek out how they might look for evidence of God in the secular science books they use in school every day. But of cause secular science is heavily influenced by deception, symbolism and false teaching. Do you walk around in total blind ignorance?
The world is bound by satanic symbols. Symbolism may reveal or conceal a secret doctrine. If we understand what we are seeing with a biblical mind, you can tell the earth is manoeuvred by Satan and the fallen angels.
Things that once were practised in secret are now done by the masses and we turn a blind eye. Knowledge is power, overtime the powers to be have educated society in everything going that moves the person away from God. Symbols used today mean the same thing they were created for even if the logo is used to portray something good:
The All-seeing Eye
It’s on the back of the dollar bill, and music artists are seen doing it. Sometimes it’s portrayed as a single eye within a pyramid or a single eye by itself. Mario runs the app on the iPad has the Mario character closing one eye. Queen Victoria in a recent poster campaign at train stations had the palm of the hand over one eye.
The All-seeing Eye represents Lucifer.
The eye goes back to ancient Egypt or the eye of Horus the sun god. It also signifies secret or occult wisdom.
Freemasonry stands for the great architect of the universe. This symbol acknowledges Satan as the God of this world. Anyone who says they are opening their third eye is tapping into the fallen angel Lucifer.
Society is being predisposed or groomed to receive Satan.
The eye is also known as the (Udjat) and the Wadget. Wadjet also spelt Wadjit, also called Buto, Uto, or Edjo is the cobra goddess of ancient Egypt. Depicted as a cobra twined around a papyrus stem, she was the tutelary goddess of Lower Egypt. It’s said to be materialised in a woman and a snake or Eve-Lucifer:
2 Corinthians 2:11
“In order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”
The hand gesture to go with it, or the diamond cutter hand signal has been seen in films such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Pink Floyd used it on the Dark Side of the Moon album cover. Earth-Wind and Fire used diamond or pyramid shapes on some of their album covers.
Pointing up or down has different meanings. Pointing Up and in front of the face is paying homage to the All-seeing eye or Lucifer.
President Obama copied the same hand gesture as his sign of unity. Hitler organised speeches to project the same hand message as he spoke of unity to the National Socialist Party.
The triangle at the top represents 60-Father-666. Below the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer. Left part of the triangle 60-Holy Spirit and the right 60-Son. So, each corner has 666. This goes way back to ancient Babylon where it all started:
The Horned Hand or El Diablo
This is not a symbol for rock and roll but a blatant Devil mark or a curse sign. Two fingers up and two fingers down. Anton LaVey the founder of the Church of Satan uses this gesture. Some hand gestures are shown with the thumb in and the thumb out. Many people claim that Abbe de L’Epee invented sign language–which is not true. Helen Keller is the most well-known deaf-blind person (she has taken the credit before Laura Bridgman). While she wasn’t the first person to be schooled, Helen was the first one to graduate from college.
If you were deaf and wanted to develop a hand sign to tell someone that you love them, what would it be?
Hand on the chest, heart symbol with both hands?
Certainly not a horned hand symbol giving honour to Satan. It really says (I love you Satan). The horned hand is the depiction of Baphomet.
There are three hand gestures used, one is for witchcraft, one is for a curse, and the classic I love you, a reference to Lucifer.
Spider-Man depicts this symbol when he shoots out a web. AC/DC audiences adopt the hand rhythm when Highway to Hell plays. The Beetles do it on the Yellow Submarine album.
The Pope has copied the satanic hand gesture. The rap artist Eminem has it blatantly on an album cover. It’s a Satanic symbol with many different names:
666 or ok sign
Three fingers up and an O formed of the fingers. In the NBA this is used as a three-pointer symbol. In the NFL it’s a third down. Music entertainers constantly throw up the sign on album covers and performing on stage. The Hindus portray it as the Mudras for inner peace. It’s the symbol for the approval of the Devine King the Lord of light or the anti-Christ.
On the dollar bill, there are the words Annuit Coeptis which mean (He favours our undertaking). On the bottom under the pyramid is written Novus Ordo Seclohum which means New Order of the ages, or the New World Order.
In satanism, it’s 666 or the number of the beast. The three fingers not making the circle are considered to be the unholy trinity Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz:
Revelation 13:18
“This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”
The first six is with the index finger and thumb together. The next six is the ring finger, then the pinky. Every person who does this even over one eye is a lover of Satan. It’s part of everyday culture and even so-called Christians have done it.
Leaders like the Pope and Donald Trump have been seen many times invoking the hand gesture. Jay Z, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga blatantly hand gesture ushering in the forthcoming anti-Christ.
The Inverted Cross
This is found on Monster energy drinks and other energy cans. When you speak to most people on this topic, they will say it’s just a coincidence. There are twenty-five other energy brands all with some degree of a satanic message to portray. It’s the upside-down cross of the Apostle Peter.
It’s used as a mockery of the beloved Messiah. Peter was the rock the Messiah built his church on. Catholic’s view this symbol as deep humility but it’s all satanism.
Satanist uses the symbol openly which is blasphemy. Catholic’s will don the inverted cross when they do the Father, Son, Holy Spirit across their chest.
The peace sign
Two fingers in the air and two fingers bent over. This is really an inverted cross with the arms broken.
The Teutonic ruin of death is where it originated from.
The occultist Albert Pike also identifies this as the (Broken Cross), Witches foot, and the sign of the broken Jew.
It’s an ancient powerful symbol of the anti-Christ. Symbolism is a picture language and this blatantly blasphemes the Holy Spirit. Humans are born into bondage and accept things we don’t really understand just as tradition. For example, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc which are really satanic pagan holidays.
Symbolism is no different and should never be done as a born-again Christian. We should repent of all of this wickedness when we are enlightened on the topic of past sins.
The Pentagram
The Statue of Liberty stands pompously on a Pentagram visible from the air. Satanists and witches relish this symbol as it’s used for magic and divination. It’s considered to be a window for conjuring spirits. When a single point of the star points upwards it’s regarded as a sign of good and the means to signal spirits. When the single point points down, and two points are at the top it’s a sign of evil or Satan.
There are two styles of magic called white and black magic. White magic is still conjuring up demons and is not good. Magic is magic and white witches are just deceived that they are doing good. A point up is witchcraft and a point down represent satanism.
The White magic symbol betokens earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Emblazoned on the satanic Bible there is a pentagram pointing down. This is used to call up the power of Satan and bring the kingdom of the devil to the earth.
The actual image of a goat in a downward-pointing pentagram first was seen in the 1897 book La Clef de la Magie Noire by Stanislas de Guaita. It was this image that was later adopted as the symbol—called the Sigil of Baphomet—of the Church of Satan, and continues to be used among Satanists. The goat of Mendes was a temple goat used in an ancient cult in the city of Mendes, Egypt.
The goat copulated with priestesses in certain important religious ceremonies. It seems that the idea of the goat as a repository for sin may have outweighed the knowledge that there was also a goat being sacrificed to God. A lot of the modern associations of Satan with goats come from the idea of Baphomet, though.
The Pentagram can also be depicted with a circle around it. The circle is to contain the conjured-up Demon. Any occult symbol is more potent and powerful with a circle around it. The symbol most used in chains and brands is a pentagram.
The email address www is 666?
The Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw”. The numerical value of vav is 6. So, the English “www” transliterated into Hebrew is “vav vav vav”, which numerically is 666.
The Facebook logo and the company itself are paying tribute to a mason symbol within the lodges: The Two Ball Cane, aka Tubal Cain. Tubal-Cain or Tubalcain (Hebrew: תּוּבַל קַיִן – Tū́ḇal Qáyin) is a person mentioned in the scriptures, in Genesis 4:22 as well as in the Hebrew Book of Jasher, known for being the first blacksmith. Two Ball Cane is a pun for “Tubal Cain” which is the secret password of a third-degree mason, a (master mason).
Gmail’s logo is basically the classic masonic apron and a piece of fabric that is fastened to the waist by the means of a rope or ribbon. It’s a representation of Adam and Eve wearing fig leaves to hide their nakedness. It also depicts a pyramid.
The pyramid is a key symbol in freemasonry, each level or step of the pyramid represents a socio-economic class and its influence as well as affluence. The capstone represents the most (elite) and their self-purported elevation over the rest of society. These elite are waiting to usher in the New World Order.
Lightning bolt
Satanic worshippers identify this as ‘777’ made famous by Aleister Crowley who wrote The Satanic Bible. Crowley so hated God that he named himself ‘777’ (666 was already taken).
Crowley’s instructed his followers to learn to speak, write, walk backwards as a means to open themselves to hear from the demonic realm.
This symbol is used extensively in films, like Harry Potter. If we look at Netflix as a whole most of their top picked shows are either witchcraft, demons, or magic-based.
The Starbucks original logo did feature an innocuous, playful-looking twin-tailed mermaid. Turned upside down, it becomes a goat’s head, occult and satanic symbol associated with the Illuminati.
The latest version, adopted in 2011 is filled with subtler but equally insidious symbols. The mermaid’s crown, for example, has a star on it, which takes the place of the all-seeing eye on the pyramid that the Illuminati inserted in in the Great Seal of the United States.
Starbucks sell a travel mug called drink coffee hail Satan. Similar designs have Illuminati symbolism on them:
“Spike your coffee during midnight mass, drink goats’ blood from it, or just carry straight whiskey in it- no matter your poison, you’ll be sure to trick your family and friends into thinking you’re a functioning member of society,” says the product description. The 16-ounce “Helliday” mug costs $20, a pretty fair price to pay tribute to Satan with your morning coffee poisoning.
The Hexagram or Star of David
The Star of David is another symbol that society does not really understand. Tourists flock to Israel and the holy land and purchase religious souvenirs which include the flag and fridge magnets. This symbol is used to confuse the masses, primarily as it has King David attached to it. It hides many devious layered meanings which we will expose. In its most basic form, this symbol consists of two interlocking triangles that form a six-pointed star. Within the star, you have actually five other small pyramid-like triangles which depict the elements for witchcraft earth, wind, fire, air, spirit.
The music band Earth, Wind and fire instantly come to mind. The symbol for water is the triangle pointing downwards.
The symbol for fire is the triangle upwards and is linked to the man and woman.
The female symbol is called the Chalice, while the man is the phallic symbol for the penis.
The air symbol is the upward-pointing triangle with a line going through it, and the earth is its opposite. It is a sexual symbol just like obelisks are phallic symbols around the earth.
The Christmas tree is phallic symbols that we place in our homes and churches, but are a really pagan fertility symbol. When the male triangle penetrates the female triangle, this produces the hexagram.
A former Satanist said:
“To the sorcerer, a hexagram is a powerful tool to invoke Satan. In fact, this is where the word Hex or putting a curse on someone comes from.”
So, a hexagram can be used for curses and placing hexes. Look closely at the Star of David or hexagram and you can see 666. It has six points then it forms six equilateral triangles, and the interior is a six-sided Hexagon. Put together you get 666 or the number of the Beast.
The symbol on Israel’s flag was not always so.
It has only begun to be used in the last two hundred years. It’s called the Star of David but is not mentioned in the Bible anywhere linked to King David. During the last two hundred years, the six-pointed star has become a distinctly Jewish symbol. One motive was the desire to have a common Jewish identification similar to the Christian cross.
The burning bush is the real symbol of the Jewish nation. There is a legend of King Solomon using this symbol called the seal of Solomon, but it’s not from the point of view of the Bible. King Solomon is viewed to have had a signet ring with the pentagram on used to conjure up spirits to do his bidding, hence it got the name the Seal of Solomon from freemasonry and the occult:
Amos 5:26
“You also carried Sikkuth your king And Chiun, your idols, the (star) of your gods, which you made for yourselves.”
The Star of David is Baal or Satan.
It’s deviously concealed in the US dollar bill. This symbol was used by the converted Jews in Europe. It soon became a shield or crest by the Rothschild family during the 19th century. The Rothschilds bought much of the land of Israel and supported the Zionist movement.
After the Holocaust, the Rothschild family donated the land that was known as Palestine. The United Nations then gave the land to the converted Jews so they would never have to face the Holocaust again and Israel was born.
The symbol was then adopted onto the flag. With six points, six sides, and six triangles Christians should not be deceived by this. Gods holy land is not represented by the Star of David.
The square and the compass
The classic Freemason symbol is well known. The square is both used in masonry and the Eastern star. The master-builder that Freemasons refer to is Lucifer the light bearer. The square acknowledges his power and the coming ruler of this world. The square is a symbol of morality.
The square represents the female passive generative principle of the earth and sensual nature. The compass represents the male active generative principle. Together they represent the sexual union. The square and compass are just another form of the six-pointed star also known as the Star of David. The letter G inside of it stands for Venus, not God. It’s a lingam or male private part.
Venus is another name for Lucifer in Latin.
What is the symbol for Venus?
The circle with a cross at the bottom, often associated as a symbol for woman.
The G is also known as the geometry of belief.
The Obelisk
The obelisk is a phallic symbol just like the Christmas tree. There are two major locations they are found but they are actually everywhere. Thus, being Washington DC and the Vatican square. Washington DC has a manmade water feature next to it to mirror the obelisk in the down position, while the structure points upwards.
Four-sided pillars have always been worshipped as Gods and the root of the obelisk is from ancient Egypt as it stood for the sun god. Osiris the God of the underworld was also depicted as a pillar, hence the reflection pool in Washington DC pointing down.
The obelisk is another lingam or symbol of divine generative energy, especially a phallus or phallic object or the male penis. Pan the goat God was often represented as an obelisk or Baal.
The obelisk is a long pointed four-sided shaft, while the top is a pyramid. It’s literally depicting Baal’s shaft of reproduction. It is honouring RA the sun God or Satan.
The Washington Monument is just like the Statue of Liberty honouring Lucifer. The Washington Monument is 555 feet high, multiply that by 12 you have 6.660 inches or 666.
Everywhere in the world where there is a major power, there is an obelisk:
Deuteronomy 16:22
“And you shall not set up a sacred pillar, which the LORD your God hates.”
This symbol has been adopted into all of the worlds architectural design of churches. For example, steeples are really obelisks.
The pointed roofs of churches are phallic symbols adopted by Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church. Churches try to hide the deception by placing crosses on the top and calling it Christian.
The Ankh
The Egyptian Ankh has heavenly influenced tattoos and jewellery. It is the symbol for life and eternity and the unity between man and woman. The loop of the Ankh represents the womb of the woman. The vertical line represents the male penis. The emblem identifies the wearer to be a worshiper of the sun God RA.
It goes back to Lucifer and is an occult symbol of the mystery religion. The Egyptian Ankh represents the key to the soul and the heart chakra. The glyph for the planet Venus (Lucifer) was derived from the ankh. Both the planet Venus and the heart chakra are of Astaroth. The Ankh is also the key to the underworld.
iPhone apps
Everybody generally owns a smartphone, so what better way to place symbols that we see daily into our brains via technology. The iTunes Store logo is a star just like Starbucks on top of the mermaid crown. The App Store logo is the Mason compass, Facebook as we discovered above, G mail the mason apron cover symbol, Tumblr has the inverted Facebook symbol, Groupon and Google use the big letter G, same as in the compass and square-all seeing eye. I-movie has the star symbol, and many apps contain a heart which is another symbol for Baal where we get Valentine’s Day from.
The Cupid baby is Tammuz from the false trinity firing the love arrow. Emojis have the horned hand symbol, Christmas tree pagan phallic symbol, devil, 666 hand symbol, peace symbol, mason symbols, lightning bolt and many more. Google chrome is 666, Microsoft has the four colour symbols of water, earth, air, fire. Google play the pyramid.
A child growing up in this secular age is introduced to phones that they can control with gestures and words, look at porn, listen to explicit and satanic songs, watch shows that endorse gossip, homosexuality, swearing, fornication, violence, rape, murder and happy to answer any question, especially if the (correct) answer denies God and the Holy Bible.
The Swastika
The swastika is a very old occult symbol. The name comes from the Sanskrit word “Swasti” meaning “so be it”. The four arms resemble a wheel. If the arms are pointing in a clockwise direction it symbolises the sun the male principle. If it’s pointing counter clockwise it resembles the moon the female principle.
The Swastika was the hammer of Thor. Thor is just another name for Satan. Masons use the symbol in the form of a mallet. The gavel is an important Masonic and eastern star symbol. Thor in the Avenger movie is portraying a gavel which is a hammer with which an auctioneer, a judge, or the chair of a meeting hits a surface to call for attention or order.
Thor is Baal and is called the “Prince of the power of the air” or Satan as mentioned in the Bible. Thor means thunder, and is where we get the satanic lightning bolt from seen in the Harry Potter films:
Luke 10:18
“And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like (lightning) from heaven.”
Ephesians 2:2
“Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the (prince of the power of the air), the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.”
Comic book and movies from Gods like Thor have made children love essentially Satan. The toy industry jumped onto the bandwagon to supply the child with action figures and cartoons of their unknowing satanic heroes. The gavel and the Tau-Cross were originally the same and evolved from the phallus symbol. The Tau is a cross that resembles the letter „T “and is a symbol of life. To the Kabbalists, it represents the comprehensive wisdom of the sky and the construction of the world. This cross was used in the mysteries of Mithras (god of the Sun of ancient Zoroastrians). The Tau Cross was the sign of three major deities Tammuz the sun God, Mithra, and Attis. The T shape placed on many Catholic’s foreheads on Ash Wednesday is the T for (Tammuz) or the T shaped Thor hammer.
Ezekiel 8:13-14
And He said to me, “Turn again, and you will see greater abominations that they are doing.” So, He brought me to the door of the north gate of the Lord’s house; and to my dismay, women were sitting there weeping for (Tammuz).”
The Ankh is a variation of the Tau Cross. The hammer of Thor and the gavel are also Masonic symbols of this variation of the Tau Cross. The Swastika is another variation of the Tau Cross. The Swastika has always been an evil symbol not just made so by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler was very much into the occult as was Heinrich Himmler. The Swastika a sacred symbol in India is really the sign of the Devil.
The reason we have so many symbols in this age is that we are close to the unveiling of the anti-Christ and the New World Order.
There are of cause many more symbols not covered in this topic for example car symbols and energy drinks. This article hopefully has opened your eyes to be more spiritually aware of the modern satanic deception all around us.
Wow this is so interesting, well written and quite scary. I have always wondered what is really going on.
Yes, there is much deception going on around the world at the moment. Glad you liked the article.