The Holy Spirit and the Kingdom
May 14, 2021
Satan’s war on food
May 14, 2021

Ezekiel 23:20 horse emissions

Atheists like to attack this scripture one said:

“WTF?!?!? I guarantee that if you told this to a Christian, they would deny it’s in the Bible. The title of this chapter is “Two Adulterous Sisters.”

The Bible is not filled with the love of Jesus that so many thinks. There may be statements on love and caring for others, but most of the Bible is filled with death, slavery, and sex. The Bible is an early book of erotica!

I don’t even know what else to say about this verse. Donkey balls! Horse emissions! Can’t top that!

Ezekiel 23:20

“For she lusted for her paramours,

Whose flesh is like the flesh of donkeys, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.”

The two women are (metaphors) or a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. For Jerusalem and Syria, paramours mean lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person. The practice of idolatry and spiritual whoredom were the sins committed by those people of Jerusalem and Syria as listed. The reference to Egypt looks back to the time of the Egyptian captivity before the Exodus and during the trek through the harsh wilderness. Even then they lusted after the bountiful treasures and luxuries of Egypt. But after they were settled in their own land, they played the harlot with Assyria hence the prophetic indictment of their harlotry. The AMP translation:

Ezekiel 23:19-21

“Yet she multiplied her depravities, remembering the days of her youth when she was actively immoral in the land of Egypt. For she lusted after her lovers [there], whose flesh is like the flesh of donkeys and whose issue is like the issue of horses. Thus, you longed for the lewdness and vulgarity of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom on account of the breasts of your youth.”

The literal interpretation is as follows:

For Oholibah, that is Jerusalem in which dwelled the Lord’s tent. Seeing her sister’s misfortune was not warning enough, so she went one better with her sister’s shameful fornication. She fashioned many idols in both Dan and Bethel, and frequently adorned a statue of Baal in the high places, and in God’s holy temple. She then lowered herself to shame further by the act of fornication with the Assyrians who bowed down to Baal or Satan, consecrated to Belis by his son Ninus the first Assyrian king, in honour of his father. She fornicated herself impudently to the Assyrians, horseman, young men, the leaders and the magistrates who were clothed in various coloured garments. So, the ack of fornication was committed by (both) sisters. Fornication is generally consensual sexual intercourse between two people not married to each other. For in this way, Jerusalem went one better with her fornications, for seeing the wild images of the Chaldeans on the walls she became driven with lust and deceived by the beauty of the fine linen garments. She hurriedly sent messengers to them begging for an alliance. When they arrived they succumbed to sexual temptation and defiled her. Repulsed by the two sisters God acted swiftly seeing her shames and fornications made public to everyone. As she had surpassed her sister’s transgressions of the law, she must also outdo her sister in the greatness of her punishments. For she was of such great wantonness, that now she would commit the worse sins in her age and the errors of her youth for pursuing the Egyptian vices in her lust for the Chaldeans. For once upon a time, she was mad (with lust) for (lying with) the Egyptians (cf. Ezek. 23:20), (whose flesh is as the flesh of donkeys), and whose issue (of semen) is so great of seed, or so large of (genitalia) that they might surpass the horses in vulgarity.

My sweet teddy bear poem


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