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- 1. Spiritual World. God’s creation
- 2. Jesus. God’s plan of man’s salvation
- 3. Satan. God’s opponent
- 4. Bible. God’s Holy Spirit
- 5. Man. God’s image
- 6. Christian. Man’s of new Covenant
- 7. Spiritual war. The Christian’s spiritual struggle
- 9. Other themes
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- Poems
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- "sacrificial binding"
- "The big Unification" Theory
- “self-stimulation” of the genitals
- 25th December
- 33AD
- 666
- a Child is born
- a heavenly body
- a life-giving spirit
- a material body
- a national joy
- a political and cultural savior
- A powerful tool
- a priest in the order of Melchizedek
- a sin-like nature
- a sufficient sacrifice
- a throne and a kingdom
- abomination
- aboriginal tribes
- abortion
- Abraham
- absence of light
- abstinence
- accumulation
- act of love
- action
- Acts
- Adam
- Adam and Eve
- Adam and Eve fall
- Adam's Apple
- Addiction
- adult
- adulterers
- adulteresses
- adultery
- adversity
- affection
- Afflicting
- agains powers
- against principalities
- against spiritual hosts of wickedness
- against the rulers of the darkness of this age
- against the wiles of the devil
- agape
- Agape love
- agenda
- Aggression
- AI hallucinations
- alchohol
- aliens
- All-seeing Eye
- Allah
- Alpha and Omega
- Alpha and the Omega
- Ambassadors
- ambiguous
- ambition
- anal sex
- ancient historians
- ancient practice
- and spirit
- and the Holy Spirit
- anesthesia
- angel
- Angels
- animal sacrifices
- animals
- Anna
- anointed
- anointing oil of the temple
- another language
- another new life
- anti-Christian
- anti-theistic
- Antichrist
- ants
- Anxiety
- Ape
- Apocalypse
- apostles of Jesus
- Arafat
- archeology
- Ark
- Artificial Information
- Artificial intelligence
- assisted death
- assisted suicide
- atheism
- Atheist
- atheists
- attitude to sin
- augmenting flesh
- authority
- Baal
- Babel
- bacteries
- bad angels
- bad company
- bad news
- bad spirits
- bad things
- bail
- Balaam
- Balance of Judgment
- baptise
- baptised
- baptised in Christ
- baptised of John
- Baptism
- baptism in water
- baptized
- basic needs of the people
- be doers of the Word
- Be fruitful and multiply
- Be not afraid
- Beast
- beauty of the universe
- bees
- beginning
- being good
- belief
- believe
- Believed
- believer
- Believers
- believers of Jesus
- Bethlehem
- Bible
- Bible donky balls
- biblical evidence
- biblical flood
- Biblical garden
- Biblical instruments
- biblical kids
- biblical marriage
- biblical prophets
- biblical standards
- biblical stewardship
- biblically trained
- Biblie
- Big Bang
- Big Bang theory
- Big Crunch Theory
- biological life
- Bionic banking
- birth again
- Birth by the Spirit of God
- Birth from the Word of God
- Birth of water and the Spirit
- black man
- blameless
- blaspheme against the Spirit of prophecy.
- blasphemed
- blasphemy
- blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
- blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
- Blessed
- blessings
- Blind eyes
- Blind eyes opened
- blood
- Blood and water
- blood cells
- Blood of Christ
- blood of the Lamb
- body
- body is corrupted
- body physical
- body sanctified
- bond
- bone
- bone marrow
- Book of Acts
- Book of life
- born in Bethlehem
- born of a woman
- born-again
- born-again believer
- born-again believers
- born-again Christians
- boss in Christianity
- brain dead
- brain functioning
- brainwashed
- brainwashing
- breastplate of righteousness
- breath
- breath of life
- bride
- Buddhism
- bullying
- burden
- burial cloth
- burnt offerings
- burnt offerings and sacrifices
- Calvaria
- Calvary
- Calvary cross
- Calvary's deposit
- came out demons
- Cana
- cancer of the anus
- capacity for knowledge
- carnal manner
- carnal mind
- carpenter
- cars
- casting lots
- cause immaterial
- celebration
- celebration of joy
- celestial bodies
- CERN logo
- changing life
- Chaos
- character
- chat
- ChatGPT
- cherub
- chief
- Chief in Christianity
- child
- child abuse
- Child Jesus
- children
- children of God
- childs
- Chlamydia
- choice
- Christ
- Christ crucified
- Christ fully God and fully man
- Christ Jesus
- Christ's message
- Christ's sacrifice
- Christ’s Body
- Christ’s crucifixion
- Christ’s headship
- Christendom
- Christian
- Christian baptism
- Christian faith
- christian life
- Christian man
- Christian marriage
- Christian married couple
- Christian theology
- Christianity
- Christianity women's worth
- Christians
- Christmas
- Christmas agenda
- Christmas cards
- Christmas carols
- Christmas traditions
- Christmas tree
- Christmas Trees
- Christmastime
- Christs death
- chuch
- church
- churches
- civil law
- Claus
- clean animals
- cold
- cold machine
- command
- Commision
- common apple
- Communication
- communion
- compassion.
- compiler of a collection of proverbs
- complete salvation
- compromising
- condemnable
- condemnation
- confess
- confess our sins
- confusion
- consciousness
- Consciousness - the law of human nature
- contradiction
- Control of the mind
- control society
- controled by fear
- controlled by fear
- controversy treatment
- conviction.
- convince
- convinced
- convinced by judgment
- Corinth
- corrupt
- corrupted
- corruption
- Cosmic Christ
- counselling
- courage
- covenant
- Creation
- creation of Universe
- Creator
- cremation
- cross
- crucified
- crucified Jesus
- crucifixion
- crucifixion of Christ
- crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth
- cruelty
- cult practice
- cultural
- Cultural suicides
- cupid love
- dairy
- Damascus gate
- Dan
- Dark Ages
- Darkness
- David
- David-Son of God
- deacon
- dead
- deaf
- deaf ears unstopped
- death
- death of Jesus
- debate
- Debt
- Deceit
- deceive
- deception
- decisions
- declare
- Decorporation phenomena
- deep despair
- deep sleep
- defence
- defend
- delusion
- demon-possessed
- demonic endeavour
- demonic forces
- demonising black individuals
- demons
- denigrate women
- depression
- desire
- despise prophecies.
- devels
- Devil
- devils
- diagnosis
- digital world
- dignity
- dirty
- discernment
- disciple of Jesus
- Disciples
- disciples of Christ
- disciples of Jesus
- disciplining
- discovered
- disinfect
- disobedience
- disobey the regulation.
- distance between earth and sun
- distractions
- distress
- diversity
- diversity's grace
- divided His garments
- divine law
- Divine Man
- divinity
- divinity of humanity
- divorce
- divorced
- divorces
- doctor
- Doctrines in musical form
- dominion
- donation of organs
- donkey
- donkey semmen
- Donkeys Emission
- doubts
- Dove
- dreams
- drink
- drug-induced coma
- drugs
- drugs night clubs
- drum
- dust
- ears
- earth
- earthly stewards
- earthquake
- Easter
- Eclipse
- Eden
- edify one another
- education
- Egypt
- El Diablo
- electromagnetic waves
- Eli
- Elohim
- emerges from the water
- endure
- energy
- energy drinks
- enlightened Masters
- enslavement
- entertainment
- equal yoke
- eros
- erotic games
- esoteric Christianity.
- eternal bride
- eternal gladness
- eternal hell
- eternal life
- Eternal Perspective
- eternity
- ethnicities
- Europe
- Eve
- everlasting covenant
- evidence for the crucifixion of Christ
- Evidence for the existence of God
- evidences
- evil
- evil day
- evil spirits
- evolotion
- evolution
- Evolution or Creationism
- Exodus
- Exorcisms
- expanded mind capacity.
- experiencing God
- extermination
- extrasensory abilities
- eyes
- Ezekiel
- Ezekiel 23:20
- Ezekiel 23:20meaning
- Ezekiel 23:20symbolic strains
- Ezekiel's verse
- faith
- Faith in God
- faith in Jesus
- faith in Jesus Christ
- faithful
- faithfulness
- fake
- Fall
- fallen
- fallen angels
- fallen condition
- false doctrins
- false grace
- false prophet
- false prophets
- false religion
- false science
- false trinity
- fame
- family
- family affection
- famine
- Fasting
- Father
- father of liars
- faulty reasoning
- fear
- fear as a sin
- fear of Jesus's return
- fearful man
- Feeding our stomachs
- fellowship
- festive holiday
- Fire
- first cause
- first garden
- First love Christ
- firstborn
- flatter
- flesh
- flesh of donkeys
- flesh talking
- flocks
- flue
- fluoride
- followers
- food
- food chain
- forbearance
- forbidden
- forbidden fruit
- Forbidden knowledge
- Forebodings
- forgiven
- forgiveness
- forgives the sin of man
- fornication
- forty days and forty nights
- four steps to be saved
- frankincense
- free
- Free will
- Freedom
- Freemasonry
- freewill
- Friendship
- friens
- fruit
- fruit of the spirit
- fruit of unbelief
- fruits of love
- fulfillment's prophecy
- fullness of deity
- galaxies
- Galilee
- gambling
- garden
- Garden of Eden
- Gay
- gender
- Genesis
- Genetic abominations
- Genital warts
- genitalia
- gentiles
- gentleness
- Gethsemane
- Giant skeletons
- gift
- gigantism.
- girded your waist with truth
- glorification
- glorifies God
- glory
- glory and blessings
- glory of God
- Glory to God
- Gmail
- goals and objectives of God's project?
- God
- God - Holy Spirit
- God - The Grand Design
- God -The Father
- God and Man-Son
- God and Savior
- God commands
- God exists outside of time
- God Father
- God forbids suicide
- God is imperative
- God is the source of all existence
- God is uncaused
- God is unchangeable
- god of this age
- God provid
- God s commandments
- God s knowledge
- God s reveal
- God s word
- God the Son
- God- Jesus
- God's beloved Son
- God's breath
- God's chosen
- God's chosen people
- God's creation
- God's design respects woman
- God's divine plan
- God's existence
- God's first miricle
- God's goodness
- God's holy law
- God's intention
- God's kingdom
- God's lavish grace
- God's law
- God's love
- God's love and mercy
- God's love for man
- God's mercy
- God's offering
- God's Only Son
- God's plan
- God's power
- God's praise
- God's promises
- God's punishment
- God's resolution
- God's restoration
- God's solution
- God's temple
- God's will
- God's wrath
- God’s children
- God’s desire
- God’s feast festivals
- God’s glory.
- God’s grace
- God’s headship
- God’s holiness
- God’s laws.
- God’s offer
- God’s people
- God’s seed
- God’s wisdom
- Godhead
- Godhead's more essential attributes
- Godly
- godly man
- Godly manner
- Godly music
- Godly sorrow
- Godly soul
- Gods blessing
- Gods Word
- gold
- golden calf
- Golgotha
- Goliath
- gonorrhoea
- good
- good and bad
- good and evil
- good angels
- good choices
- good people
- goodness
- gospel
- gospel of peace
- gossip
- govenments
- Governmental propaganda organizations
- Grace
- granted gifts
- grape huice
- Grave
- graves open
- graves opened
- gravity
- Greatness
- Greed
- groom
- guidance by the Holy Spirit
- guilt
- hand gesture
- happiness
- harlotry
- Harmony
- harp
- harvesting organs
- hate
- heal
- health
- hearing
- Heaven
- heavenly Father
- heavenly kingdom
- heavenly Lord
- heavenly places
- Hebrew letters
- Hebrew word
- Hell
- Hell's origins
- helmet of salvation
- helplessness
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Herpes
- hex symbol
- Hexagram star
- High caloric capacity of water
- High priest
- Hinduism
- His Bride
- history
- HItler
- holiday
- holiness
- holiness of Jesus
- Holly Spirit
- Holy Bible
- Holy Communion
- Holy Ghost
- holy man
- Holy one
- holy people
- holy priests
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit mentality
- Holy Spirit of God
- Holy Spirit's gifts
- holy standard
- holy temple
- Homophobia
- homophobic
- homosexual act
- homosexual friend
- homosexuality
- Honey
- hope
- horse semen
- hospital
- hospital treatment
- hostility
- HPV causes cancer of the cervix
- human being
- human body
- Human DNA
- Human microbiota
- Human milk
- human nature
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
- human race
- human relationship
- Human rights
- human soul
- human spirit
- human trafficking
- Human values
- human's consciousnes
- human’s failures
- humanity
- humanity's fallen
- humankind
- humble
- humble birth
- Humble Boasting
- humble servant
- humility
- Hymns
- hypocrisy
- I go unto my Father
- I will be like the most High.’
- identifie
- idol worship
- idolatry
- ignorance
- Ill health
- illusion
- Illusory Freedom
- image of a goat
- image of the beast
- immaculate boy
- Immanuel
- immerse
- immersion
- immorality
- immortal body
- immortality
- Immutable
- implemente
- In the beginning
- incarnated into human flesh form
- incorrect information
- indoctrination
- Infant baptism
- Inflation theory
- information
- Information and blood
- inhibitions
- inner light
- inner secrets
- inner voice
- Instincts
- insult the Holy Spirit
- intellect
- intercession
- internet
- intimacy
- intttect
- intuition
- invisible attributes
- Is DNA proof of the existence of God?
- Isaac and his son
- ish
- ishah
- Islam
- Israel
- Israelites
- Jehovah
- Jerusalem
- Jessies root
- Jesu's return
- Jesus
- Jesus - high Priest
- Jesus - human’s natural birth
- Jesus – Information
- Jesus and the Holy Spirit
- Jesus appeared
- Jesus as God
- Jesus as Lord
- Jesus as the Lamb of God
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
- Jesus Christ is Lord
- Jesus Christ Jehovah our Lord
- Jesus Christ-Yeshua Hamashiach
- Jesus crucified
- Jesus death and resurrection
- Jesus death on the cross
- Jesus died
- Jesus disciples
- Jesus divinity
- Jesus frees us
- Jesus God
- Jesus God incarnate
- Jesus in the flesh
- Jesus Lord
- Jesus pre-existence
- Jesus rose bodily
- Jesus Son of God
- Jesus the High Priest
- Jesus the Messiah
- Jesus the Son of man
- Jesus truly God and truly man
- Jesus turns water into wine
- Jesus- the image of God
- Jesus- The Son
- Jesus-the one true God
- Jesus' birth
- Jesus' followers
- Jesus' saving
- Jesus' teachings
- Jesus'disciple
- Jesus's appearances
- Jesus's blood
- Jesus's body
- Jesus's burial
- Jesus's crucifice
- Jesus's glorification
- Jesus's glory
- Jesus's human body
- Jesus's human form
- Jesus's humanity
- Jesus's kingdom
- Jesus's ministry
- Jesus's parents
- Jesus's resurrection
- Jesus's return
- Jesus's sacrifice
- Jesus's second coming
- Jesus's spotless bride
- Jesus's teachings
- Jesus's the divine Lamb
- Jesus’ crucifixion
- Jesus’ death
- Jesus’ rebuke
- Jesus’ teaching
- Jesus’ tomb
- Jesus’s standard
- Jesusțs at thirty years old
- Jewish culture
- Jewish people
- Jewish Rabbi
- Jewish tabernacle
- Jewish tradition
- Jews
- Job
- Johm
- John
- John Bunyan
- John the Baptist
- Jordan
- Joseph
- joy
- joyful communion
- Judaea
- Judaism
- Judge
- Judge and Saviour
- judgement
- judgment
- Judgment day
- judgment of God
- Judgment Seat
- judgment's lost
- judgmental
- judicial debate
- judicial process
- justice
- Kali
- kidnapped
- Kidnapping
- kind
- kindness
- King David
- King of Peace
- kingdom
- kingdom of God
- kingdom of heaven
- Kings
- knowing good and evil
- Knowledge
- Knowledge - "The Apple of Discord"
- Knowledge and it's potential
- knowledge of God.
- knowledge of good and evil
- labour
- lack of faith
- lack of knowledge
- Lactose
- Lamb slain
- Laodicea
- Last supper
- Last Words of Jesus Christ
- law
- law codes
- lawlessness
- laws of nature
- lawyer
- lead us not into temptation
- leader in Christianity
- learn
- lema sabachthani
- lessons of acceptance
- Levites
- liar
- lies
- life
- Life after death
- lifelessness
- lifestyles
- light
- Lightning bolt
- listening
- little bear
- liver transplant
- living faith
- living sacrifice
- living soul
- Locusts
- Logos
- loneliness
- long-suffering
- longsuffering
- Lord Jesus
- Lord of hosts
- Lord's prayer
- Lotus flower
- love
- love and grace
- love others
- Lucifer
- Lucifer desire
- Lucifer's desire
- Lucifer’s fall
- Luciferic music
- lung cancers
- lust
- lute
- lying
- lyre
- lyrics
- Machiavellian principle
- males
- mammals
- man
- man in God's image
- man's heart
- manipulate
- manipulated
- mankind
- mankind’s iniquities
- mankind’s sin
- manmade
- manmade ideas
- Maran Atha
- mark of the beast
- Marriage
- Marriage and romance
- marriage covenant
- marrow
- martyrs
- Mary
- Mary and Joseph
- Mass hallucination
- Masters and servants
- Masters of the Hierarchy.
- masturbation
- material human body
- mathematical law
- matter
- meat
- Mediator
- medical anomaly
- Medical professionals
- medical term
- meekness
- melody
- Melody effects
- members of the Church
- memory
- message of baptism
- messenger.
- Messiah
- messianic prophecies
- messianic requirements
- Metal
- metamorphosis - an intelligent biogenetic program
- Microbiota - the "second human genome"
- microchip
- minister
- miracles
- Miracles at the crucifixion of Christ
- Miricles
- misled
- modern Christmas practices
- modern contemplative spirituality
- Modern music
- Modern science
- modern slavery
- Modern Spirituality
- modern tradition
- modesty
- Moloch’s sign
- money
- moral
- moral and right.
- moral evil
- moral standard
- morality
- Morning Star
- mortal man
- Moses
- Mount Moriah
- mouth
- mucosa
- Muhammad
- Mulberry silkworm
- murder
- music
- Muslim
- Muslim suicide bombers
- Muslims
- mute
- My beloved Son
- myrrh
- myrrh and aloes
- mysteries
- mystery
- mysticism forms
- naked
- nakedness
- Naming
- narrow path
- narrow paths
- nativity
- Nazarene
- Nazareth
- Nazi
- Necessity
- negotiator
- neighbours
- Neopaganism
- Nephilim
- New Age
- New Age Movement
- New Age Politics
- New Era
- new experiences
- new paradigm
- new sexual experiences
- New Spirituality
- new world system
- Nicene Creed
- Nimrod
- Ninus
- Nissan
- Noah
- Noah's Ark
- nominal Christian
- obediance
- Obedience
- obedient
- obey
- Occult
- of the Holy Spirit
- offense
- offenses
- old archeology
- old paradigm
- Old Testament
- Omnipotence.
- Omnipresence
- omniscience
- one Mediator between God and men
- opposition
- or Krishna
- oracle
- Oral cancer
- oral sex
- order
- organ donation
- Oscillating Universe Theory
- our Passover Lamb
- pace
- paedophilia
- pagan
- Pagan holidays
- pagan religions
- Pagan roots
- pagan tradition
- pagan traditions
- pagan worship
- paganism
- pain
- paitent
- panic
- Paradise
- Paradox
- Paradoxes in Christianity
- paralyzing drugs
- parenting differences
- parents
- paridise
- partner
- passion of God
- pastors
- path to faith
- patience
- Paul
- peace
- Pentacost
- pentagram
- people
- perfect bodies
- peril
- period of favour
- Permanent piercing
- persecuted
- persecution
- perseverance
- Personal Mystical Experiences
- personal Savior
- personal suffering
- personal transformation
- personality
- perversion
- perverted
- pesticide
- petition
- Pharaoh
- Pharisees
- pharmacy
- Philosophy
- physical body
- physical space
- Pilate
- pills
- pineal gland
- pipe
- Place of a Skull
- places of relaxation
- plan of salvation
- Planet earth
- plants
- pleading
- plunge
- poem
- poison food
- political prisoners
- politically correct church
- pollutants
- Pontius Pilate
- popularity
- porn
- porn-based sex
- Pornography
- position
- poverty
- power of sin
- power of word
- powerless prisoner
- practical knowledge
- pray
- prayer
- praying
- praying to God
- preconceptions
- prefiguring of Christian baptism
- Premonition dreams
- Preparation Day of the Passover
- presence of God
- prestige
- Pride
- Priest
- Priests
- Prince of the power of the air
- prison
- profanity and disrespectful
- Prometheus
- promise from God
- propaganda
- prophecies
- prophecy
- Prophecy and its value
- prophetic Scriptures
- prosecutor
- prostitute
- Proverbs
- Proverbs 30
- Psalms
- psychic awareness
- Psychology
- Pubic lice
- pure
- purposes of procreation
- quench the fiery darts of the wicked one
- questions
- Quran
- rabbinic tradition
- rain
- Rainbow
- rape
- rational arguments
- Raven
- reading the Bible
- ready for Christ's return
- real
- real Christian
- reality of death
- reality unseen
- really believe
- reassuming divinity
- rebellion
- rebellion against God
- rebirth
- receive the Holy Spirit
- receiving the Holy Spirit.
- recieve
- recognise Jesus
- recognised
- reconcile
- reconciliation
- reconsiliation
- redemption
- regeneration
- regret
- reincarnation
- reject Jesus
- rejecting God
- relationship with God
- relationships.
- relaxation
- relentless rain
- religion
- religious dissenters
- remarriage
- remnant
- Remorse
- renewing of mind
- repent
- repentance
- repentant
- reset
- respect
- responsibility
- responsible
- rest
- restored
- restoring communication between God and man
- resurrection
- resurrection day
- return to God
- Revelation
- Revelation 13
- rhetorical questions
- rhythm
- Rhythm effects
- rib
- righteous holy
- Righteous Judgment
- Righteousness
- risk of infidelity
- Rock bands
- Rockefeller
- Roman Catholic Church
- Roman Empire
- royal priesthood
- Ruach
- Ruach Ha-Kodesh
- ruler of this world
- s masterpiece
- Sabbath
- sacred things
- sacred to God
- sacrifice
- sacrifice for sins
- sacrificed
- sacrifices
- sacrificial lamb
- sacrificial system
- saints
- salesgirl
- saleswoman
- salt
- Salvation
- Salvation is a process
- Sanctification
- Santa
- Santa Claus
- Satan
- satan’s kingdom
- Satan’s’ throne
- satanic symbols
- satanic temple
- satanic worship
- satisfaction
- Saturnalia
- saved
- Savior Jesus Christ
- Saviour
- saviour of mankind
- saying sorry
- school
- science
- scientific arguments
- Scientific determinism
- scientific investigation
- scientists
- Scriptural basis
- Secret sins
- self-abasement
- self-control
- Self-Deception
- self-destructive habit
- self-fulfilment
- self-righteousness
- self-salvation
- selfishness
- Semiramis
- seperation from God
- servant
- servant David
- servanthood
- Servants
- serve others
- sex
- sex life
- sex self-stimulation
- sex shop
- sex toys
- Sexbots
- sexshop
- sexual fantasies
- sexual organs
- sexual relations
- sexual satisfaction
- sexual sin
- sexual temptation
- Shepherds
- shield of faith
- Should God be capable of evil?
- sickness
- sign of healing
- significance of baptism
- silk butterfly
- Simeon
- simplicity
- Sin
- sin committed
- Sin's Enslavement
- sinful
- sinful condition
- sinful flesh
- sinful man.
- singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs
- singularity
- sinner
- sinners
- sins
- skeptical
- skeptics
- slavage yard
- slave masters
- Slavery
- slaves
- smoke
- smoke the herb
- smokers
- smoking Marijuana
- so-called Christians
- social crisis
- society
- Sodom
- sodomite spirit
- son of God
- Son of Man
- son of the carpenter
- soul
- soul tie
- soul troubled
- space
- species specific
- speech
- Spells
- spirit
- Spirit of God
- Spirit of the Lord
- spirit realm
- spirit world
- spiritism
- spirits
- spiritual battle
- spiritual beings
- spiritual body
- spiritual body of glory
- spiritual death
- spiritual discipline
- spiritual experience
- spiritual fear
- spiritual genetic information
- spiritual hierarchy
- spiritual hosts of wickedness
- Spiritual Movement
- spiritual nature.
- spiritual person
- spiritual realm
- spiritual struggle
- spiritual third eye
- spiritual vessel
- spiritual war
- Spiritual Warfare
- Spitting
- spittle mud
- spotless lamb
- spouse
- sprinkling
- stable
- standard of morality and holiness
- Starbucks
- state of hypnosis
- Steady State and Continuous Creation Theory
- steal
- stoic philosopher
- stone
- stone megaliths
- strange bones
- strange flesh
- stringed instruments
- strong in the Lord
- struggles
- Submission
- substitutionary sacrifice
- suffering
- suffering's Jesus
- suffering's path
- Suicide
- Sumeria
- supernatural abilities
- supernatural explanations
- Supernatural works of Jesus
- supernaturally
- supplication
- supplication in the Spirit
- swearing
- sword of the Spirit
- sword?
- symbol
- symbol of the separation from God to man
- symbolise
- Symbols of Renewal and Protection
- Syphilis
- Syria
- system of priests
- Talmud
- Tammuz
- tantric sex techniques
- Taoism
- tattoos
- technology
- teddy
- temperance
- Temple
- Temple of the Holy Spirit
- temptation
- termination of life
- terrestrial bodies
- test your faith
- testemony
- testimony
- testimony of faith in Christ
- thankfulness in your hearts to God
- thanksgiving
- that scientific progress
- the "first cause" of the formation of the universe.
- the "seed" of thought
- The ability to heal
- the absolute judge
- the act of communion
- the act of serving
- the adulterer
- the Adversary of God
- the African slaves
- the agenda
- the ancient archeology
- the Angel of Death
- the Angel of the Lord
- the animal sacrifice
- the Animal Sacrificial Law
- the anointed King
- The anthropological argument.
- The anthropological discussion
- the antichrist
- the archaeological site of Caesarea
- The argument of movement
- The armor of God
- the army
- the ascension to heaven by Jesus
- the authenticity of crucifiction
- the Beast
- The beast with seven heads
- the bedroom
- the Beginning and the End
- the best solvent in the world - water
- The Bible
- The Bible teaches
- the biblical pattern of love
- The Big Bang
- The biggest problem
- the birth of Christ
- The birth of Jesus
- the birth of the King
- the Birthday Boy
- The Black Horse
- the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
- the blessings of God
- the blood
- the blood of the Lamb
- the body of Christ
- the bondage of death
- the Book of Agur
- The Book of Proverbs
- The book of Revelation
- the bread of life
- the broad way
- the broken bread
- The causality argument
- The causality case
- the celebration
- The Centurion
- The chosen
- the Christian Bible
- the Christian faith
- The Christian mouth
- the Christmas Day festivities
- the Christmas tree
- The Church
- The church of Laodicea
- The city of Pergamum
- The claim of contingency
- the cleanliness of the garment
- The cloth that covered Jesus face
- the clouds of heaven
- the colour of skin
- the connection between AI and Christianity
- the consciousness of matter
- the Consolation of Israel
- The contingency argument.
- The contributions of AI
- The cosmological arguments
- the Covenant of marriage
- The Creator of the universe
- the Creator’s plan
- the cross
- The Crown of thorns' testimony
- The crucifixion
- The crucifixion of Christ
- The crushing of Satan’s head
- the customs and laws
- the customs of the people
- the darkness
- the date of Christ’s birthday
- the day of resurrection
- the day of the Lord
- the dead come back to life.
- the death of Jesus
- the deification of man
- the deity of Christ
- the deliverer and saviour of mankind
- the depths of suffering
- The devil
- the devil's hold
- the Devil’s cellar
- The discipline of fasting
- the divine attributes
- the divine kingdom Law
- the divine message
- the divine spark
- the divinity of Christ
- the divinity of Jesus
- The doctrine of sin
- the early Church
- the earth's atmosphere
- the eggs
- the electromagnetic force
- the ends of the earth
- The evidence for God
- the fallen angel
- the false prophet
- The Father
- the fear of the Lord
- The Feast of Atonement
- The Feast of Firstfruits
- The Feast of Pentecost
- The Feast of Tabernacles
- The Feast of the Passover
- The Feast of Trumpets
- The Feast of Unleavened Bread
- the feasts of hebrews
- The fertilized eggs
- the final days
- The first beast
- The first in The Christianity
- the first man
- the firstborn blessing
- The flies
- the forgiveness of sins
- the friend of the tax collectors and sinners
- the fulfillment of the law
- the fullness of the time
- the garden tomb
- the Genesis calendar
- the gift of tongues.
- the glorify God by music
- the glory of God
- The God's Word
- The Godhead
- the Gos's law
- the gospel
- The Gospel's truth
- the Great Physician
- the greatest commandment
- The harmony of ecosystems
- the heavenly kingdom
- the heavenly places
- the Hebrew Bible
- The Hebrews slaves
- The Hexagram or Star of David
- The historical argument
- The history of humanity
- the Holy One of God.
- the Holy Spirit
- The Horned Hand
- the house and lineage of David.
- the human
- the human body
- the human body prepared for His Son
- The human brain
- The human eye
- The human growth
- the human life
- the human soul.
- the humiliation
- The Icon of the Beast
- The Illuminati
- the image and likeness of God.
- the image of God
- the incarnate Word
- the incarnation of Jesus
- the incarnation of the Word
- The incense alter
- the information
- the innocent games
- The intelligence
- the intelligence of matter
- The Inverted Cross
- the issue of slavery
- the Jewish nation
- the Jewish Passover
- the Jewish people
- The judgment of God
- the kingdom of God
- the kingdom of heaven
- the kingdom of the devil
- The kingship
- The knowledge of good and evil
- the knowledge of the truth
- the Lamb of God
- The last generation
- the Levitical holidays
- the life of Jesus
- the life of the Jews
- The limitations of AI
- the lineage of David.
- the living God
- the LORD
- the Lord Jesus Christ
- the Lord of the Sabbath
- the loss of innocence
- the lost of innocence
- the lost years of Jesus
- the love of Christ
- the love of money
- the mandate of God
- the manger
- the manipulator
- The mark of the beast
- The marriage bed
- The marriage vows
- The meaning of Yeshua
- the media
- The message of hope
- the message of the Bible
- The Messiah
- the metamorphosis of the butterfly
- the metamorphosis of the silkworm
- the ministry of reconciliation
- the miracle of the Holy Spirit
- the modern age
- the modern world
- The moral argument
- The moral law of God
- the Most High
- the Mother of All Living
- The motion argument
- the mouth
- The multiplication and reproduction of life
- the multiverse theory
- the mysteries
- the mystery of iniquity
- The natural body
- the New Adam
- the new paradigm
- the New Testament
- The Nine Satanic Statements
- the number of the beast
- The Obelisk
- the old Adam
- the Old Testament
- the oldest conflict
- the one and only God
- the only begotten
- The order and harmony of the universe
- The Pagan Roots of "Christmas"
- The Pale Horse
- the palm tree
- The Parable of the Master Potter
- The Paradox
- The paradox of deception
- The Paradox of freedom
- the paradox of greatness
- The paradox of judgment
- the paradox of sin
- the paradox of the yoke
- the Passover
- the Passover lamb
- the Passover meal
- the payment for sins
- the payment of sin
- The peace sign
- The Pentagram
- the persecution
- The Pharisees
- The Pilate
- The Pilate stone
- The Pilgrims Process
- The pineal gland
- The plagues of Egypt
- The pleasures
- The potter
- the power of God
- The power of love
- the power of the Holy Spirit
- The powers
- the prerogatives of a true holy God
- the Priestly Law
- the prince of this world
- The problem of evil
- the promise of sexual liberties
- The prophet
- The prophets
- the prophets witness
- The psychological argument
- the punishment of eternal death.
- the purity law
- The purpose of life
- the purpose of procreation.
- The pyramid
- The Qur'an
- The Rapture’s Call
- The rational arguments
- the Redeemer of the world
- The redemption
- the rejection of God's solution
- the religious calendar
- the resurrection
- the resurrection of Jesus
- the right to forgive sinners
- The ritual meal of the Passover
- the Roman trial of Jesus Christ
- The root of cruciate
- The ruler of this world
- the rulers of the darkness of this age
- The sacrifice of babies
- the sacrifices of the Law
- the salvation of the human soul
- the salvation of the soul
- the Sanctuary of Churches
- The scientific evidence
- the script of suffering's tale
- the scriptures written
- The second beast
- the servant in Cristianity
- the servant's words
- The seven churches
- The sex toy industry
- the sexual dexterity
- The sexual maturity
- the sexually immoral
- The shepherds
- The shroud's authenticity
- The sign
- the slave of all
- the Son
- the Son of David
- The Son of God
- the Son of man
- the sons of Zebedee
- the soul
- The soul of man
- The source and consequences of good and evil
- The speaking of tongues
- The speed of the earth's rotation
- the Spirit
- the Spirit of God
- the spirit of unfaithfulnes
- the spiritual beings
- the spiritual body
- the spiritual realm
- the spiritual world
- The Star of David
- the Statue of Liberty
- the status of God
- the strong nuclear force
- the Suffering Servant
- the supernatural
- the supernatural birth of Jesus Christ
- the surface tension of water
- The Swastika
- The symbol on Israel’s flag
- the symbolic of baptism
- the synagogue
- the teaching of Jesus
- The teachings of Satan
- the teachings of the Nicolaitans
- The teleological argument.
- the temple
- The temple in Jerusalem
- The temple vail
- the temple veil
- The temple veil ripping in half
- The temptation
- the Ten Commandments
- the test of obedience
- The Testimony
- The testimony of demons
- the thermal capacity of water
- the thermal conductivity of ice
- The thought of immortality
- the throne of David
- the throne of grace
- The Torn Temple Curtain
- the traditional wedding vows
- The triangle
- The trinity
- The true disciple
- the true gospel
- the trumpets
- The truth
- The truth of Christ's divinity
- the truth of God
- the truth of Jesus Christ
- the Turin shroud
- The UFO phenomenon
- the universe
- the universe chaotic
- the universe's laws
- The Veil and shroud
- The Veils
- The War of the Jews
- the water anomalies
- the wather baptism of new converts
- the weak nuclear force
- The wedding vows
- The White Horse
- the wickedness of mankind
- the will of God
- the will of the flesh
- the Winter Solstice
- The word
- the word “seed"
- the Word became flesh
- the word love
- the Word of God
- The Word of truth
- the words of God
- The words of the LORD
- the work of christians
- the work of the devil
- the work of the Holy Spirit
- the World Wide Web
- the worldly way
- the wrong voice
- the yoke of Christ
- The Yule log
- theology
- therapeutic ointments for the eyes
- These holidays
- TikTok
- time
- to December 25th
- to dip
- to think critically
- tomb empty
- Torah
- total sacrifice
- tradition
- traditions
- transcendental revelations
- transformation of man
- transformed
- transgenderism
- transgresses the law.
- transgression
- transgression of the law
- transgressions
- transgressors
- transhumanism
- transplants
- tree of death
- Tree of knowledge
- tree of life
- Tree of the knowledge of good and Evil
- trespasses
- Tribes
- tribulation
- Trinity
- true baptism
- true biblical love
- true Christianity
- True faith
- true Grace.
- True Liberation
- True liberty
- true love
- true spiritual
- trully God
- truly the Son of God
- trust
- truth
- truth's pursuit
- truthful
- truthful information
- truths
- TV
- twisting revealed truth
- two sisters
- types of music
- unbelief
- unbeliever
- uncertain time
- uncertainty
- unclean
- unclear
- Unconditional obedience
- unconfessed sins
- undercover agent
- unfaithful
- unforgivable sin
- ungodly friends
- ungodly people
- Unicef
- United Nations
- univers
- univers's design
- universe
- unpopular
- Unrighteous judgment
- unrighteousness
- vegan diet
- vegatarian diet
- vegetables
- vessels
- victim of satan
- victims of modern slavery
- vigilant
- vine
- violating the divine kingdom Law
- violating the purity law
- violation of the divine standard
- violence
- Virtue
- visible signs
- visions
- visually hallucinate
- waiting patiently
- war
- watchful
- water -the universal solvent
- water and its laws
- Water baptism
- water jars
- weakness
- wealth
- Weary Oxen
- wedding day
- well-informed
- Western Europe
- whisper
- white lamb
- wickedness
- wickedness of the generation
- wind.
- Wine
- Wine from the Devils celler
- wisdom
- Wisdom and Favor
- wisdom and humility
- wisdom of the saints
- wise
- wise men
- withstand
- witnessed Christ’s resurrection
- witnessed the crucifixion
- witnesses
- Wives and husbands
- wizards
- woman
- women
- wooden ark
- Word (logos)
- Word of God
- workmanship
- world
- World crisis
- World of God
- worldly customs
- worldly manner
- worship
- worship the beast
- worshiped
- Worthless Servants
- wrestle
- wrong doing
- wrong sexual practices
- wrong sounds
- wrongdoings
- Yahshua
- Yahweh
- Yahweh saves
- Yahweh will save
- Ye shall be as God
- Yeshua
- Yoke
- young
November 24, 2024
Four Horsemen and the End of Days Poem In ancient scrolls, the prophets told, Of visions dark and tales of old. Four horsemen ride from heaven’s […]
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The Digital Apocalypse Poem In the beginning was the Word, pure and blissfully true, But now in silicon, a new gospel accrues. From dust we came, […]
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Living the Gospel: Insights from 1 Corinthians 15 Standing for Christ Living a life dedicated to Christ is a profound journey that is both rewarding and […]
November 18, 2024
The Paradox of Our Worth Part Eleven The Bible presents what seems like a paradox regarding our worth before God. On one hand, Jesus tells us […]
November 14, 2024
ANOTHER KIND OF GOOD Deceit – Part 2 The Man We continue the article, wanting to fly over the vast area of this complex subject, the […]
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Another kind of good The New Spirituality and The Christian Spirituality Deceit – Part one The defiled man! Salvation through Christ or self-salvation? The biblical Christ […]
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August 29, 2024
The Paradox of the Yoke Part Nine In the realm of Christian teachings, the concept of the “yoke” presents a profound paradox that challenges our understanding […]
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The Delicate Balance of Judgment: A Biblical Perspective Paradox Part Seven In the tapestry of biblical wisdom, we often encounter seemingly contradictory statements that challenge our […]
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The paradox of deception in the church part six The paradox of deception in the church today is a profound and unsettling reality. While the church […]
July 9, 2024
The Paradoxical Path to Joy: Finding Life in Suffering In the upside-down reality of the Christian faith, one of the greatest paradoxes is that joy can […]
Recent satan life articles
What is the Truth?
Some people always have an answer to this question, while others have multiple answers, saying, "I have my truth, you have your truth," and so on.
Others have found Him and recognized Him in their lives.
Still others are still searching for the One who calls Himself "The Truth."
However, one thing is certain: the absence of truth leads to lies and deception, with all the consequences that these entail.
The truth can be hidden, detoured, mixed with lies, unrecognized, etc., but we never know when it will arise, and we face it when we least expect it, demanding its rights—rights on which freedom, even our lives, depend.
This is because nothing can be built sustainably on lies and deception; nothing lasts without truth!